Thank You from Mattang

Appreciating Our Journey Together

Notice - Mattang Company Dissolution

Dear Valued Partners, Customers, and Friends,

It is with mixed emotions that we announce the closure of Mattang, Inc. After much deliberation and careful consideration, we made the difficult decision to cease operations on March 31, 2024.

Over the years, Mattang has been committed to delivering top-notch data governance and master data solutions, and it has been a privilege to work with each of you. Your unwavering support and trust have been the cornerstone of our success. We are deeply grateful for the opportunity to serve you and to have been a part of your journey toward data governance excellence.

To our esteemed customers, your loyalty and confidence in our services have driven us to constantly strive for excellence. Your feedback and collaboration have been invaluable, and we hope our contributions have significantly benefited your organizations.

To our partners, your collaboration and shared vision have been instrumental in our achievements. Together, we navigated the complexities of the data governance landscape, and your partnership has been vital to our growth and success.

To our dedicated employees, we are profoundly thankful for your hard work, commitment, and passion. Your efforts and talents have been the backbone of Mattang, and we could not have accomplished our goals without your unwavering dedication.

While this chapter of our lives has closed, the relationships and memories we have forged along the way will always hold a special place in our hearts. We look back with pride at what we have accomplished together and cherish the experiences we shared.

As we move forward, we remain optimistic about the future and the possibilities it holds. We encourage you all to stay in touch and to continue to pursue excellence in your respective fields.

Thank you for your understanding and for being a part of the Mattang family. We wish you all continued success and look forward to crossing paths again in the future.

Warm regards,

The Mattang Team